Elle Fourie

Elle Fourie

Scholar since:


Scholarship received:

Next Generation Scholarship


University of Florida


Homestead, FL

"Hello, my name is Elle Fourie. I am a student at the University of Florida, majoring in Architecture and minoring in Sustainability in the Built Environment. I am very passionate about music and art, and I aim to incorporate these themes into my work through acoustic and expressive design.

There is a certain importance in regularly seeing, hearing, and breathing in beauty, which I believe society has lost in favor of accumulating wealth. Living in Homestead, Florida, has shown me firsthand the consequences of this mindset. Every day, I watch as acres of crops and greenery are cleared for cookie-cutter housing. It breaks my heart and has motivated me to do better for my community. The same companies boasting about North Florida's ""raw, untouched, natural beauty"" are destroying centuries of growth in South Florida simply because of demographic differences.

With that being said, my main goals are to bring music and art back into our built environments, protect lower-income communities and the ecosystem from overcrowding and constant construction, and make the housing market more diverse and affordable so that every individual can find something that feels like 'home.'"

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