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Emma Fernandes-Santinho
Emma Fernandes-Santinho
Scholar since:
Scholarship received:
Next Generation Scholarship
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Kearny, NJ
Emma has been a thinker and tinkerer since she could get her hands on creative materials. As a child, Emma was something of a paradox, duplicitously stubborn and curious, with a willful ignorance for lines on coloring pages. Yet, Emma has been successful coloring outside the lines. Emma's explored every interest that has caught her eye during these brief nineteen years – sketching, painting, sewing, instrumentalism, literature, poetry, philosophy, photography, history, community service, robotics, environmentalism, urbanism, and bones. All of these fixations have led to successes in their own right – Emma has competed at international robotics championships, won various awards for her art, and organized many a mutual aid drive. What remains most rewarding to her, however, is the manner in which these seemingly unrelated hoards of knowledge patch together into the polymathic identity that creates beautiful, practical, well-informed design. In the future, Emma would like to earn a Ph.D., publish books, make weirder art, and start a space for other artists and their own weird art. Currently, when Emma is not scheming her next project, she's singing to her cat, reading in a spot of sun, or taking a moment to blow dandelion seeds into the wind.
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