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Meet the new Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship recipients

Architects Foundation announces recipients of Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship

Scholarships cover costs of the Architectural Registration Examination (ARE), study materials, and a subscription to ArchiPrep®.

WASHINGTON – The Architects Foundation today announced recipients for the Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship.

The Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship recognizes the significant contributions of emerging professionals at early stages in their careers and helps defray the costs associated with the ARE. Each of the scholarship recipients will receive funds to cover all sections of the ARE, as well as a free subscription to ArchiPrep® and up to $500 worth of ARE 5.0 study materials. This year’s scholars include:

“Early in my career, I heard architect Allen Eskew, FAIA speak about how his practice (Eskew+Dumez+Ripple) viewed licensure as the culmination of one’s education as an architect” said selection committee member Michael Davis, AIA. That stance resonated with him and made him realize that licensure was the next step in his career. “It’s not a checkbox, it’s something that signifies the beginning of the next chapter.”

“It was inspiring and impressive to see this level of engagement in the community among the candidates,” added selection committee member Tiara Hughes, Assoc. AIA. “It takes a lot of champions to galvanize and have a real impact, that’s why we’re excited to give back and support these designers with their path to licensure”.

Complete details on the Jason Pettigrew scholarship program are available on the Architects Foundation website.

The Architects Foundation is currently reviewing applications for the Diversity Advancement Scholarship, the Payette Sho-Ping Chin Memorial Academic Scholarship, the a/e ProNet David W. Lakamp Scholarship, the Yann Weymouth Graduate Scholarship and the LFRT ARE Scholarship. Please stay tuned for the announcement of future award recipients by signing up for the AF newsletter.


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