Maddison Wells

Scholar since
Scholarship received
Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship
Tulane University
New Orleans, Louisiana
Maddison Wells was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. As a New Orleans native and a Black woman, she believes in researching, designing, and developing for equity. Wells is a Tulane University’s School of Architecture alum; in 2021, she graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture and a Bachelor of Science in Real Estate. She then proceeded to graduate with a Master of Business in Architecture & Design from IE University’s School of Architecture & Design. In the spring of 2021, Maddison placed 1st in IE University’s MBArch Entrepreneurship Challenge in the category of Urban Life and Urban Space. She also had the opportunity to be a speaker at the virtual TEDxTulane conference, Beyond the Conversation. Her speech, “The Self-Reparation of Black Communities,” proposes a potential solution for the reparation of historic discriminatory policies, interventions, and contemporary mentalities that have contributed to the continuous divestment of black communities. She is now attending Howard University and working towards a Ph.D. in Sociology. Maddison seeks to integrate sociological research into the design process as a means of measuring the impact of buildings on communities over time.